Fantasy Tattoos

 Fantasy Tattoos

It can be flattering to have friends calling me up and asking for help in finding ideas for their next tattoo. Just the other day, a friend (let's call her Nina) called to ask if I could help her look for ideas on fairies and fantasy tattoos. Apparently she was having a little trouble searching for fantasy theme tattoos on the web.

According to Nina, she had spent hours staring at her computer monitor - sifting through dozens of tattoo websites; only to be fed with endless stream of "incredibly dull" fairies and fantasy tattoos. To quench her frustration, I immediately gave her a couple of good places for sourcing ideas on fantasy style tattoos on the web. If you're in a similar situation as Nina and would like to solve this nagging problem, the following tips might help.

Checkout fantasy artist websites

I can't begin to tell you how many interesting ideas and Inspiration came pouring in whenever I look at works done by established fantasy artists such as Gerald Brom, Boris Vallejo and his wife Julie Bell, Yoshitaka Amano (of Final Fantasy fame), Amy Brown and of course the legendary Frank Frazetta. These artists' creative imagination has resulted in a vast collection of fantasy themed artworks, which are likely to fill your head with scores of inspiration for bringing forth ideas on fairies and fantasy tattoos.

If fairies are your main focus, you could do no wrong by viewing the works of Alan Lee. His fairy sketches are simply marvelous and perfect for tattoo inspirations. The aforesaid artists have their own official websites so whenever you need ideas on fantasy style tattoos, just check out their online galleries.

Checkout paid tattoo galleries

Many people might scoff at the thought of paying the bucks for a printable tattoo design but I beg to differ. Since you're planning to ink your skin for good, why not shell out a bit for a premium tattoo design that you can take pride in? After all, you'll be paying a small fortune to get the tattoo embossed on your skin. Free tattoo sites are passable if all you're looking for are insipid, cookie-cutter conceptions.

I believe paid ones are more satisfactory in terms of design, uniqueness and quality. Expect to find a great deal of wonderful fairies and fantasy tattoos within the paid sites. With that said, do avoid websites that charge you a fee for individual tattoo prints. If you're mulling on investing in paid tattoo galleries, look into sites that offer unlimited prints, frequently updated designs, and unwavering customer support at a relatively low flat fee.

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Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Fantasy Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Have you ever heard about Aztec tattoos? They are quite popular nowadays. More and more people nowadays consider this kind of tattoo design because of its authenticity and uniqueness. Aztec were the powerful and creative group of people who were from Mexico. These people were known for their excellent body designs and painting on their skin. This body architecture was symbols of their culture, religion and arts.

There are so many reasons why would someone want these kinds of tattoos. First of all is because of its racial or cultural meaning. The next popular reason would be because he has some Aztec blood in his body. He would definitely want a tattoo that will connect him to his roots. There are some people who just fell in love with these kinds of tattoos because of its symbolism. One great example of an Aztec tattoo image is the Aztec sun. These symbol stands for life and strength.

If you want something genuine for your Aztec design, you need to consult some expert regarding this or better yet do some research using textbooks. You need to do this if you want to make sure that you have an accurate and quality Aztec tattoo. You could also look for this kind of tattoo images on the different tattoo parlors. For sure they have Aztec tattoo compilation on their files, though you can't be sure of their accuracy.

You can also choose the said tattoo design on the different tattoo galleries online. All you have to do is register on the different tattoo websites to get an access. There are so many ways that you can choose to be able to get the perfect Aztec tattoo design for you, it just needs some resourcefulness for you to see them.

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Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

The Scorpion is one intense little creature and not to be taken lightly and scorpion tattoos are one of the more intriguing choices of design!

Scorpion tattoo designs remain consistently popular around the world, being adorned by men and women throughout many different cultures. From traditional scorpion tribal tattoos designs in Africa, all the way to the Middle East and South East Asia. In Europe and the Americas scorpion tattoos are almost universally Tattooed alone, rather than being part of a larger, more ornate piece of artwork or set against a background of some type.

Scorpions are one of the planets most evolutionarily successful creatures, with over 2000 different species currently on record. Thought to have originated over 430 million years ago, firstly as sea dwellers, before making their way onto land by clutching onto rocky shorelines or dredged seaweed with their powerful claw like appendages.

Scorpion tattoos are sure to attract attention wherever you may roam. They are versatile enough to be interpreted in a number of ways visually and literally. A Scorpion can be seen as either a ward against evil spirits, a spiritual guardian, a symbol of Astrology, protection or as a powerful warning to those who would harm you. By many peoples reckoning, a Scorpion is a creature to be respected or feared.

As with any tattoo, the meaning you decide to attach to it is entirely personal. The scope for interpretation of the Scorpion is wide, varied and steeped in history.

Scorpion tattoos uses as an Astrological Symbol
Astrology states that those whose birthdays fall between the dates of Oct 23rd to Nov 21st are said to be 'Scorpios,' which is the 8th sign in the Zodiac. Traditionally the planet Mars is thought to be the ruler of this Star Sign, and the general personality traits of a person born throughout this period are said to be known for their sharp minds and shrewd intellects. Scorpios are also effective puzzle solvers and counsellors, and have an uncanny knack for getting behind the true meaning of a situation or event.

Scorpios tend to be extremely intuitive. Which can make them compassionate and understanding or come across cruel and vindictive, as they are easily able to single out a persons weak points.

The other aspect that they are known for is their extremism. Tending to be 'all or nothing' risk takers and masters of their own destiny.

It is for these reasons that people choose to express themselves with Scorpio tattoo designs.

Meanings of Scorpion Tattoos
The exact meaning of Scorpion tattoos differs around the world. However the overarching belief that is held both in the East and Western hemispheres is that a Scorpion tattoo acts as a guard against bad luck, as well as affording protection to the wearer.

Its reputation within both human society and the animal kingdom in general as a feared and powerful creature also gives the Scorpion a level of respect that few other creatures of its size can command so universally Scorpions have also featured in myths and legends throughout time. In ancient Egypt for example, the Goddess Isis had two giant Scorpions that acted as bodyguards.

In Tibet, Scorpions were embossed onto the hilts of swords, wheel-charms and woodblock prints as a protective charm. In fact, wearing a Scorpion Amulet is said to serve as protection against bad luck and will keep those who wish to do you harm at bay. This age old tradition continues even in today's modern times.

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Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

When you hear the word "Fairy", some pleasant thinking may run through your mind. In myth, fairies were portrayed as a Beautiful, helpful and innocent women that believed to have supernatural powers which can turn us from pauper to rich, dumb to brilliant, old to young, etc. All these positive aspects turned our attention and love towards these fairies. Modern fashion helped a lot to keep these images with us, by tattooing it on our body. There were bad fairies also, but these were least bothered in our tales and movies often.

Fairy tattoos are mostly preferred by women for its feminine appeal and men may choose this style of tattoo design but more like an evil or demon style, which are the symbolism of strong, ruggedness and powerful creature. Some believe that tattooing a fairy will fetch them more fortunes and are more popular among teenagers and many of them have more than one design on their body.

Butterfly fairy tattoo, Butterfly is a symbol of freedom and in fairy tattoo design its body is replaced by a fairy and its wing is distinguished for each and every design. Wings shall be shown unfurled, in half swinging style or either it can be a view from side. In some butterfly fairy design, fairy rides on top of the butterfly, which is amazing to see.

Flower fairy tattoo, Flowers with fairies is an unavoidable marvelous tattoo design that enhances the beauty of any woman. A fairy sitting on the flowers poses an affluent romantic appeal with tattooing more flowers and each of these flowers in different color. Another design is of an inverted flower hanging from the head of the fairy which makes it look like a crown.

Tinker bell fairy tattoo, Tinker bell is a very small fairy featured in Disney pictures. Many teens who had a love of the character as a kid are tattooing this style more frequently nowadays.

Tribal fairy tattoo, Fairy tattoos are generally designed to be cute and feminine but the tribal style shows some masculinity also in addition to its femininity. The ancient look in the tribal tattoos is slightly modified by adding wings to the existing creatures and thus makes it as a fairy style, without upsetting its inner meaning.

Gothic fairy tattoo, The gothic culture and their art are popular from 14th century and sky scraping pointed churches of those days was an example to their eminent architecture. Gothic fairies were appeared in Christian architectures frequently and the color combination of fairy was often chosen to be red and black. Middle age fairies were shown so tall and bright.

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Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos

Fairy Tattoos


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